Monday, January 25, 2016

I Believe God Loves Everyone

God Loves Everyone.

God loves You.

Personally. Knowing everything about you, God loves you. He's even written a whole book about it. In it He describes the kind of excited, adoring love He has for you and me. It's called Song of Solomon. Look it up sometime. My favorite part is when he describes His love as a "lily among the thorns."

The whole rest of the Bible tells you about His love as well. It speaks a beautiful, enduring tale of God first bringing human beings, you and me, into existence, the rebellion of the race He created, and the ultimate, the consummate, sacrifice He made to bring us back again. Yes. The Bible is, among other things, a love story.

He loves you, as a person, no matter what you do. No matter how many times you reject Him, no matter how many times you defy His laws, He will love you, as His own special, unique creation through it all. Don't believe me? Read Hosea.

God loved you first (1 John 4:10). That's a very encouraging thought. Have you ever tried to love someone who didn't love you? All you want to do is talk with them, rest in their presence, and be together. You want to message them all day long if you are apart but you can't because they would find it annoying or awkward. When you walk together you want to hold his or her hand.... but you can't because they do not love you. They are not yours. No imagine taking just the tiniest portion of that excitement and frustration and having to deal with GOD being the person not to love you. Just think about running after God all the time for attention, and Him caring not a whit for you.

The thought would be devastating for me. "So you're telling me that the Big Guy who made it all and runs it all, the Person in charge of my eternity, doesn't care enough to even know my name?"
That might be enough to tip me over the edge.

But it isn't true. God knows who you are personally. He knows every detail of your life, every quirk of your nature. And He loves the beautiful creature He made. He loved you first. He continues to love you even if you reject Him. This is the truth.

But do not be deceived. You cannot continue to reject this love without consequences. If you continually ran from every single perfect relationship and allowed only relationships that hurt you and dragged you down your life would be a burden to you. God is the perfect Husband, Friend, Father. You cannot dismiss Him and expect your life to be perfect. This is also the truth.